10x better than ChatGPT

Create LinkedIn posts with AI,

in 30sec, with your own writing style.

RedactAI assists you in creating high-quality LinkedIn posts in just a few clicks.

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7-day free trial & 8 free posts included

How it works

Your LinkedIn post in 4 steps.

In just few clicks, create your personnal branding.

Insert your Content

Your own ideas, youtube video, blog post.

Select your Writing Style

From your LinkedIn profile, your favorite creator or predefined style.

Generate your Post

RedactAI provides 3 different versions of your post.


Ajdust your post to your likings & publish it on LinkedIn.

Less effort.
More Content. More Visibility.

Start creating your posts with RedactAI and save valuable time.


Choose the content.
Define your style.
Enjoy your post.

From any contents, create a LinkedIn post in your own style.

From your own ideas

Input your subject and key ideas.

From Youtube videos

Input your Youtube video URL.

From blog posts

Input your blog post URL.

RedactAI replicates your writing style

Input your LinkedIn profile URL. Our AI analyses your last LinkedIn posts to replicate your unique tone of voice.

Wall of love 🧡

They've unlocked the power of AI for LinkedIn success ✨

Discover how people worldwide are using RedactAI to grow their personnal branding.

The tool that makes you look like a LinkedIn pro without breaking a sweat. 💦
Honestly, it's a real game-changer.
It's like having a cooking robot when you're too lazy to cook. 😂

Imagine a tool that saves you hours while preserving your unique style.
Perfect for content creator looking to save time and boost their LinkedIn presence !

Simple yet effective tool for preparing the structure of my LinkedIn posts.
Easily saves me 4 hours of time every week. 💪

I was a customer of RedactAI even before becoming their partner and can only recommend this tool. It saves me a tremendous amount of time in my content creation by generating drafts of LinkedIn posts that perfectly match my writing style.
It's a real little assistant that I couldn't do without :)

I've tested the tool for 2 months, and I'm truly impressed. The generated posts are engaging, and they even capture my style, tone, and personality.
They draw inspiration from my previous posts 😉
Absolutely true.

To be honest, at first, I was very hesitant about the idea of having my posts written by a robot.
Simply because I advocate for authenticity and I love writing.

One day, I was very tired and didn't feel like writing.
So, I went on the site to get a little help.
After finding a nice photo to accompany it, I posted it.
It got over 30k impressions.
Since that day, I have no shame in saying that RedactAI is my work partner.
Without this tool, I would have probably given up and lost my motivation.
Today, it helps me stay cheerful and consistent while taking care of my mental health.
If I have one piece of advice for you today, it's this: try it out for yourselves!
There's nothing wrong with treating yourself well ;)

Finally craft posts that are just right.
In 5 minutes max & completely mimicking your writing style.🤯
RedactAI, it's your magical tool that perfectly mirrors your style.

The tool is really well-designed and incredibly powerful. The generation has absolutely nothing to do with ChatGPT.
I'm very surprised by the relevance of the posts, even on technical subjects.
Truly, it's excellent work!


Get started with RedactAI

No hidden fees. Cancel anytime.


Discover RedactAI


per month

2.00$ per post


Access to new features

Multilingual generation

Repurpose any piece of content to a LinkedIn post

Unlimited ideas generator

Dedicated support 24/7


Pay only what you need



per month


$ per post


Access to new features

Multilingual generation

Repurpose any piece of content to a LinkedIn post

Unlimited ideas generator

Dedicated support 24/7

The most popular


Discover RedactAI


per month

2.00$ per post


Access to new features

Multilingual generation

Repurpose any piece of content to a LinkedIn post

Unlimited ideas generator

Dedicated support 24/7


Pay only what you need



per month


$ per post


Access to new features

Multilingual generation

Repurpose any piece of content to a LinkedIn post

Unlimited ideas generator

Dedicated support 24/7

Le plus populaire


Frequently Asked Questions

Don't find your answer ? Contact us in the chat.

What is RedactAI used for ?


RedactAI is the most advanced LinkedIn post AI generation tool for content creators.

What is the difference between RedactAI and ChatGPT ?


If you use ChatGPT to generate your LinkedIn post, evryone will notice as it looks and feels like AI.
With RedactAI, it is like a real human copywriter writing your post while keeping your own writing style.
Plus, you can recycle any contents in seconds like Youtube videos or blog posts, to generate LinkedIn posts.

Does LinkedIn detect usage of AI ?


LinkedIn can't detect usage of AI.
Plus, nobody will notice that you are using RedactAI (except if you reveal the secret 😉)

How to cancel my subscription ? 


You can cancel your subscription anytime from your profile page directly in the app.
You will not be charged if you cancel before the end of the free trial.

10x your personnal branding, right now !

Be consistent. Be in the top 1%. Join the RedactAI revolution.